Monday, March 19, 2012

YogueIN Dubs 'Teen' Section Of The Huffington Post 'Most Ridiculous News Site In The Universe"

Oh my goodness.

When we first saw this section on the HP we knew it was ridiculous, but then we looked a little further into it, and these are the headlines on this site:

(Keep in mind, these are REAL 'headlines'... so like the breaking news for teenagers)

1. Quick Poll: What would you do if you found a pot of gold?
2. Top 10 Cutest Miley and Liam Moments
3. Why I chose him for my first dance
4. 14 Year Old Buys Her Own Home For 12,000 dollars (actually that's pretty cool)
5. This Guy Showers Every Time He Sees His Girlfriend --- For Her Safety




actually, we're not sure how it happened, but we've just decided we might start getting our news exclusively from Huffington Post Teen, check it out:

Kony Movie Maker Arrested For Doing Things In Public...That He Shouldn't Have Been Doing In Public

YogueIN suffered some serious staffing changes and as a result the office has not been running consistently for about a year now. As we struggle to get back on our feet we've been trying to take cues from how other top brands and people handle stress.

In recent news, Jason Russel (the guy who made that Kony 2012 video about Invisible children) has gone from total obscurity to "fame" (quotation makes intentional) in about 60 seconds. We can't imagine what this type of exposure does to a person, but we're not sure why he felt like masturbating and running around San Diego in his panties was a good move....but then again, what do we know?

Click here for the full story: too crazy

Monday, January 23, 2012

Private YogueIN

YogueIN was private, but now it's not! In typical media fashion we will be having a YogueIN deprivatized (sp??) party at P!NK Ltd tonight! All YogueIN readers are invited!


Monday, December 19, 2011

Condi For Vice President?


The Washington Times is reporting that Condoleezza Rice is positioning herself to be added to the republican ticket for 2012. Apparently, she is going to fill the missing foreign policy piece among the candidates.

This is exciting news, because we really like Condoleezza Rice, but this authors enthusiasm and food analogies are making us want to be against the whole idea.

Why is that?

Read this:

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sara Bareilles Does Cover Of Beyonces' "Single Ladies"; Also Manages To Do An Elvis Impersonation Throughout The Entire Song

Have you guys seen this?

We didn't really like it. Which is weird cause we're all about cover songs. To be fair, we didn't listen to the entire thing, so maybe something cool happens at the end.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The 'Facial Expressions We Really Appreciated Today' Award Goes To...

The guy in the State Farm ad on the GMAIL login screen.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Being A Convert vs. Not Being A Convert (or Is Everyone A Convert?)

We've been writing an advice column for the Deseret News / Mormon Times for the past few weeks and recently we've been getting a lot of questions from readers about being a convert to a religion vs. being born and raised in that religion. 

It's interesting, the comments range from:

 A. I wish I were a convert, because then, I would have a real testimony, not just something that was forced on me 

 B. Why didn't I have the chance to know about this church when I was young, it would have made life so much easier having clear direction. Does God not love me as much?

 C. I love the church I go to now, but I wish I joined later in life so I could sow my wild oats and then settle down and live a clean/virtuous life.  

Pretty wide range. We paraphrased obviously, but you get the gist. We have our own opinions about each of these sentiments but...

 What are your thoughts? How would you respond?


ps. if you want to submit a question for discussion:

Did You Know/Care That Ryan Reynolds And Blake Lively Were Just In Utah?

Wonder where they were?

Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively kissing
Probably the North Visitors Center...No, South..... no definitely North.


ps. click here to read the full story..."full" "story".

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Do You Get Everything Done? We Can't.

To Do List
  • Complete Grad school applications
  • Finish proposal
  • Clean room
  • Find music for 'Seven' play
  • 'Ask Angela'
  • Contact Dartmouth Alums
Got Done List 
  • Ate bowl of Cocoa Krispies
  • Looked at ceiling for 25 minutes
  • Learned lyrics to Justin Bieber version of 'All I Want For Christmas'
  • Thought about googling how to spell 'Bieber'
  • Didn't

We need help, how do people get themselves organized so that they can get everything done??

We have no idea. Making to do lists isn't working. Neither is watching


Friday, November 4, 2011

PR Tips For The Kardashian Family

As someone who knows next to nothing about PR, we just want to let the Kardashian family know that they should do EVERYTHING they can to separate themselves from the disaster that Kim's divorce is turning out to be.

Actually let me rephrase that, it's not a disaster, cause as a whole, we don't think people care very much. But we're sitting here thinking about it and we think that you (the Kardashian family) should do the following things:

1. Distance yourself from Kim, keep pumping the story that Kris Jenner told on The View, "I had no idea, I mean when she told me (she was getting a divorce) I cried, and Kim just asked me to understand but ultimately I had no idea, I have no details about anything, in fact I don't know who Kris Humphries is, I didn't even know Kim was married, I know nothing"

2. For help with #1 (ie. Distancing yourself from Kim) call Reggie Bush. He figured out how to do that reaaaaal quick.

3. Figure out how to get yourselves off of these gay marriage ads. They're not directly targeting you guys, but they kind of are. 

WHEW ran out of steam, proof that we don't actually care.

Bottom line, it's really funny/sad that the marriage lasted for 72 days, and that's all we have to say about that.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

PS. "Exact Revenge"

In the last post that we wrote, we used the phrase, "exact revenge", as we were typing it, we were unsure if we were using the saying correctly. After googling it, we found out that we were correct. So anyone who was thinking that it's "enact revenge" or "extract revenge"'s not.


Television Show Review: REVENGE

One of our favorite pastimes is finding really bad shows (ie. bad acting, unbelievable plots lines, actors using accents that they haven't mastered yet, sounds of high heels on wood when the actor is obviously walking on carpeted floors etc) that are actually good.

Revenge is one of those shows.

In a nutshell, this show is about a girl who's father was killed because this group of rich people in the Hampton's (for whatever reason) set him up to look like a terrorist. The girl, Emily Thorne (formerly Amanda Clarke), is now 15 years older with a new name and a lot of money and has come to the Hampton's to exact revenge on all of these people.

What makes it good: Every episode something happens, kind of like on the O.C. Someone is always dying or losing all of their money thanks to Emily Thorne's plans, and Emily never gets caught! Also, whenever she succeeds, or is about to succeed, she makes this face:

The Downside: These types of plot twists every episode are unsustainable. For example, we remember in college when the O.C. was what everyone was watching every Thursday night, 5 months later, it's like "Who is the world is Marissa Cooper?" and if you could answer that question it was really embarrassing. Our advice to Revenge? Take some tips from Dawson's Creek, they didn't have Joey and Dawson kiss until the very end of season 1, and so it kept us watching least until Season 2 episode 1. haha. jk what?

We could have a lot more thoughts about this show but we're running out of steam.

BOTTOM LINE: You should watch at least 1 episode, and then let us know what you think:

ps. Our little sister wrote a review on this show too, we're anxious to know her thoughts as well.

We're Supposed To Be Writing Something Else...

We're supposed to be writing something else, but we came across this article, and feel like it's worth the read.

It's about Mormons and politics and blah blah blah.

That has been in the news everywhere, and by news I mean posted on every single persons Facebook page...

Check it out: here

 In a Gallup survey, 5 percent of adults said they wouldn’t vote for their party’s presidential nominee if he were black. Six percent said they wouldn’t vote for a woman, 7 percent said they wouldn’t vote for a Catholic, 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote for a Jew, and 10 percent said they wouldn’t vote for a Hispanic. But 22 percent said they wouldn’t vote for a Mormon.

Black, Woman, Mormon, three strikes you're out!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Starting A New Blog?

Something we forgot to include in our last post, we've considered starting a new blog, in fact, we have started it, but we don't really like it. 

You can check it out, it's 

Here's the reason why we're struggling with feeling connected to this new blog, it's not YogueIN. 

We wish there was someway to have something that was YogueIN, and that was everything that we always wanted YogueIN to be.

Naaaah mean?

Other Things We Don't Care About: Photos

We're well aware of the fact that no one will read this blog if it doesn't have any pictures attached to it, but the thing is, we just don't care enough to find pictures!

Some other things we've been thinking about today:

1. Boys wearing V-neck shirts,
2. Putting gas in our gar
3. Subway breakfast sandwiches
4. Knowing how to spell the word "sandwich" "sandwHich?" No idea.
5. Dexter

Wow Gwen, Where Have You Been?

We've not  blogged in what feels like 35 years. In fact, we're not even really sure how to blog anymore. Fortunately for you, there's DEF a reason for us to blog today.

One of the last posts we published was about Kim Kardashian, we don't remember what we said exactly, but we think it had something to do with her wedding/marriage. Welp, 10 million dollars later and it was announced today that it's totally over between Kim K and Kris H.

And the funny thing is, as we're writing this post we realized that we don't care, and so literally have nothing else to say about it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

September 11th; Ten Years Later; A View From Space

Can you imagine being an American astronaut seeing this from space? He says on the video "I didn't know what it was but I knew it wasn't good."


This may be one of the best times we've ever looked out the window:

Sleepwelltexboy - Staring into Swapp's car windows with his roommate. (Things they could have been looking at: Sonic drink cups, receipts, info about SLC district schools, Book of Mormon, car phone charger). SWTB finishes looking in car, steps away from car, pretends to golf swing, laughs with roommate, looks BACK IN CAR WINDOW, leaves parking lot, heads to apartment.

DB Crazy Natalie - Girl who used to kind of be our friend but she would do crazy things at work, and so she all of a sudden was fired from work and then she moved to Montana and it was this really shady thing. BUT we just saw her walking up the street, and yelling to Sleepwelltextboy --- we didn't even know they were friends!

Random Person - Trying 35 times to parallel park, driving away.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011